About WACP 2022
The WACP international congress has been held every three years since 2006. The congress in 2006 was the first of its kind to be jointly organised by a host WACP member country and the WACP board.
The 6th International WACP Congress in Rotterdam, Netherlands is co-organized by the Transcultural Psychiatry Department of the NVvP, the Dutch Psychiatric Association.
Check everything you need to know about the committees here!
WACP2022 will take place at the Postillion Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam. Click on the below link to find out more!
Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands with it's major European port, is characterized by its spacious and functional architecture and rich history. It is a city that will stay with you!
General info
Read more about the story of WACP and why you should participate to this world congress!