Pre-conference Workshop 2
Workshop 2
The transcultural clinic of Avicenne and Maison de Solenn : theory and practice
Masterclass on transcultural consultation
Marie Rose Moro, Geert Schelkens, Alice Titia Rizzi, Elisabetta Dozio and Amalini Simon
09:00 – 17:30 hrs
Additional workshop information:
This one-day workshop will go into the theory and practice of the transcultural clinic as practiced in Paris in the Avicenna Hospital and the pedopsychiatric clinic Maison de Solenn by the team(s) of professor Marie Rose Moro. The workshop will open with presentations of professionals from Paris and in the afternoon three cases will be presented by clinicians from The Netherlands and Flanders and discussed with participants, supervised by professor Moro. Focus will be on knowledge transfer and interaction with participants focused on strengthening skills and experiential learning in the field of transcultural psychiatry.
- Goal of the morning program is to focus on transmission of knowledge on the setting and methodology of the transcultural consultation, central themes, and proceedings.
- In the afternoon we will focus on how the practice of ‘la consultation transculturelle’ works, on experiential learning by presenting and discussing real-life cases and by practicing the proceedings of the consultation.
09:00 – 09:15: opening and introduction
09:15 – 09:45: Alice Titia RIZZI, clinical psychologist, on complementarism and families. incl. Q&A
09:45 - 10:15: Elisabetta DOZIO: clinical psychologist, on transmission, kinship and ancestry, incl. Q&A
10:15 - 10:45: coffee break
10:45 – 11:15: Amalini SIMON, clinical psychologist, on cultural and linguistic countertransference and the proceedings of transcultural consultation, incl. Q&A
11:15- 11:45: Geert Schelkens clinical psychologist/ psychotherapist ‘La clinique transculturelle’ as seen from the northern flatlands (Netherlands and Belgium), incl. Q&A
12:00 – 12:30 conclusion, questions, exchange of ideas, introduction to the afternoon session
12:30 - 14:00 lunch
Afternoon program:
14:00 – 14:10: Opening by Marie Rose Moro
14:10 – 14:55: Winny Ang, pedopsychiatrist from Antwerp, case relating to pedopsychiatry
14:55- 15:15: Reinout Graaff: psychiatrist, case relating to transcultural supervision
15:15-15:45 break
15:45 – 16:10: continuing case 2
16:10- 16:55: case relating to complex family situation.
17:00 – 17:30 concluding remark and final questions.
Participants: Max 50 (young) clinicians (psychiatrists, psychologists, anthropologists, nurses, social workers, philosophers) active in a clinical situation in which transcultural competencies are relevant.
Amenities: Microphones (fixed and mobile); beamer/laptop, flipover/whiteboard & whiteboardmarkers. Water etc.
Organization: Marina van Dijk, Geert Schelkens, Reinout Graaff, Huub Beijers
To read:
2011 Sturm, G., Nadig, M., Moro, M.R. Current Developments in French Ethnopsychoanalysis. Transcultural Psychiatry 48 (3): 205-27.
2010 Sturm, G., Baubet, T., Moro, M.R. Trauma, Culture and Subjectivity: The French ethno-psychoanalitic approach. Traumatology, 16 (4) : 27-38 .
2009 Sturm, G., Nadig, M., Moro,M.R. Writing Therapies : An Ethnographic Approach to Transcultural Therapies Forum Qualitative Research. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11(3), Art. 1,